only get better with age. Research studies show that beginning around
25 years of age, metabolism for the average person declines
anywhere between 5% and 10% per decade. That could equate to a 20% to
40% decline in metabolic activity over the course of their lifetime.
The encouraging fact, however, is that people who stay active as they
age can expect only a mere .3% decline on average per decade. That
can add up to a 1% to 2% drop over a lifetime. The message
men and women MUST use strength training as part of their program
design with the primary goal of building lean muscle mass. The more
muscle we have, the more energy our body burns, even at a resting
rate. Adding an additional 10 pounds of muscle can push your resting
metabolic rate up by over 100 calories per day. That's not too bad
considering you're just sitting on the couch. Now add the fact that
with that added muscle and energy requirements, you'll also
accomplish more with each and every workout and recreational activity. The message here...PUMP THAT
IRON! (Yes you too ladies)
has been a great deal of research on High Intensity Interval Training
versus Steady State Training. I personally like to implement both for
several reasons. Using HIIT is proven to keep your metabolism running
higher post workout, trying to stabilize oxygen levels and post
exercise oxygen consumption. In fact, with proper work to rest
ratios, your body can burn over 200 calories post exercise trying to
reach equilibrium. However, with the trauma placed on the body and
high demand on the nervous system, I can't see how HIIT can be
implemented at high frequency while also performing a strength training program. With
such a high draw on the body, something has to give. I try to choose one day per week where I perform interval sprints, row machine or stair sprints. My other cardio days are focused around low intensity for active recovery. ...TRAIN HARD BUT
to make Omega 3 part of your daily nutrition and supplement routine.
Researchers from the University of Western Ontario found that the
fatty acids found in fish oil could have the potential to increase metabolism by as much as 400 calories per day. That's because fish oil
can dramatically increase the levels of fat-burning enzymes while
decreasing the fat storage enzymes in the body. Try to use fish oil that contain at least 300mg of of EPA and DHA total. For more
information on the additional benefits of Fish Oil check out my post http://athleticsymmetry.blogspot.com/2013/03/go-fishing-to-reduce-body-fat.html
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Go Fishing To Reduce Body Fat
Before you run to your nearest river or stream, pole in hand hoping to slim down, take a moment and read some information on Fish Oil.
Adding a supplement like Omega 3 Fish
Oil, may be beneficial in reducing body fat and increasing lean
muscle mass.
A six week study conducted in 2010
showed that including fish oil as part of a daily supplement regimen
increased lean mass while reducing fat mass in healthy adults. The
major link between the two was attributed to the reduction in
salivary cortisol levels.(http://www.jissn.com/content/7/1/31)
The mechanism for the increase in
muscle mass is still unknown. One area that is well researched is the
ability of omega 3 to reduce inflammatory cytokines which are can be
present from injury or micro trauma and typically associated with
repetitive movements like exercise.(For more information on inflammation check out my Recovery post http://athleticsymmetry.blogspot.com/2013/02/rest-recovery-growth.html) It has been documented that
inflammatory cytokines can increase the breakdown of protein, so in
reduction there can be an increase in protein synthesis over a long
period of time.
Another view can be seen between the
link of high cortisol levels and protein catabolism (breakdown). Our goal
through nutrition and supplementation is to keep the body in an anabolic (growth) state for as long as possible. Exercise, while healthy and
beneficial to the body, is stressful and as a result cortisol levels
rise post exercise. This is why nutrient timing pre, intra and post
workout is so important and widely researched. Along with combating
cortisol, we want to capitalize on the sensitivity of insulin and
androgen receptor sites which are highly motivated by the presence of
protein. It's like trying to build a brick wall. If we are catabolic, for every new brick we place, two fall down. If we keep this pace up, our brick wall will fall apart. Now if we are in a anabolic state, for every brick that falls, we place two bricks. Unfortunately, our bodies are always breaking down proteins for energy, growth at the muscular and cellular levels, and for many other body factors.
Again our goal
through nutrition and supplementation is to keep the body in an anabolic (growth) state for as long as possible.
So if you are thinking of a supplement to add that can benefit both muscle growth and fat metabolism, catch the big one with Omega 3 Fish Oils.
For related posts on Nutrition, check out Strength and Conditioning Coach, Joey Greany:
Friday, March 1, 2013
Train Fast for Fast Power Gains
time you’re at the gym looking to increase explosive power
try training with Complex Training program.
great research supporting the positive performance benefits of
integrating complex training into your routine. The basic idea behind
it is following a complex strength movement with a complex power
movement incorporating basically the same movement pattern in a
superset format. (Ex: flat, barbell bench press superset with
explosive medicine ball chest passes) The concept is that the
strength movement, which testing shows should be a high load, close
to ones 1 rep max, awakens or heightens the central nervous system,
allowing it to fire on all cylinders.
this with an explosive, plyometric movement will increase force
production due to an increase in neural drive to the innervating
muscle groups and increased neuromuscular communication (greater
portion of the muscle is working and in proper order)
out Strength and Conditioning Coach Joey Greany’s page on Train for
Explosive Power.
Follow my blog for updates on training, nutrition and other Fitness and Performance topics.
Staying Focused by Dave Diggle
Today's Guest Post is from Competitive NPC Bodybuilder and Physique Trainer Dave Diggle:
Related Post: "Fit 2013" by Strength and Conditioning Coach Joey Greany http://www.joeygreanypersonaltraining.com/fit-2013/
Staying Focused
Today's world is so fast paced. We can pay bills, do our shopping, our taxes and many other things with the swift click of a keyboard and mouse. People have become so conditioned to this that they want to see other things happen with swift and dramatic results. This also includes your fitness goals no matter what they are.
I see it all the time. Many of my clients will become frustrated after only a week or so of putting in work towards their nutrition, and training if they don’t see results. Here is the hard truth that everyone has to follow… it takes time to see real results in the body. I have always said give your body 3 to 4 months if you truly want to see a result. Many people don’t want to hear an answer like that. Many people will work hard for a few weeks and then give up because they don’t see the results they are looking for. You won’t be one of those people though. We are going to discuss how to stay focused and have your eyes on that prize no matter how tough things may seem.
First and foremost, know exactly what you want. So many people have a general idea of what they want to achieve but guess what that’s not enough. In order for you to be completely motivated you have to know exactly what it is that you want to achieve. Take time to think about this and when you have your answer things will become a lot clearer and then it will become easier to stay on track.
Second, have a support group to fall back on. Make sure that you tell your family, friends or spouse that this is important to you and that you may need their help. You will be surprised how much support you can get from them. They will be your spring board with staying on track, as soon as you start to falter they will be there to lift you back up and get you refocused.
Next, get as much visual support as you need as well. What I mean by this is looking at magazines, or photos of people’s physiques that you admire or who you would like to look like. Cut them out and place them all over your environment (work, car, house, ect.) as a reminder to stay focused and to keep going towards that goal.
Lastly, and it maybe the most important thing, get yourself on a regular schedule. Dedicate a time each day to prepare all of your healthy meals for the day, dedicate a time to get your workouts in, ect. Get yourself into a rhythm and don’t stop, keep the momentum going and always be prepared just in case something comes up. If you can plan your day ahead of time and be prepared then there is no reason why you cant have a successful day. With each passing successful day they will add up to something great, and that’s achieving your goal.
So remember, know exactly what it is that you want to achieve, keep others close by for support and motivation, keep visual reminders on why your working so hard, and lastly get yourself on a daily schedule and stick to it. Those will help you keep that focus and bring you to achieving those fitness goals.
Related Post: "Fit 2013" by Strength and Conditioning Coach Joey Greany http://www.joeygreanypersonaltraining.com/fit-2013/
David Diggle
Hey Guys,
I am a Natural Bodybuilder who competes in the NPC. I played Collegiate Football at Western Connecticut State University as well as the University of Connecticut. I hold a CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) with the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I am a personal trainer who practices what I preach and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have a strong passion for Health and Fitness and a desire to motivate and push people to become the best they can be through effective Training, Diet, and Supplementation.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Rest + Recovery = GROWTH
Active Recovery is a great way to decrease acute muscle soreness and expedite the healing process by creating an environment conducive to tissue repair and remodeling.
The goal is to reduce any hemorrhage or bleeding which can impede tissue repair and retard inflammation by controlling localized edema.
Below are some quick tips that can not only get you back in the gym faster but will allow for more consistent training at a higher level leading to greater results.
v Engaging in active recovery activities at a low intensity like walking or light bike rides can help improve circulation increasing blood flow and provide oxygenated rich blood to damaged muscle tissue, which will increase toxin and carbon dioxide removal and increase nutrient uptake.
v Applying ice to sore muscles within the first 24 to 48 hours will help control inflammation and edema or swelling.
v Massage techniques like deep tissue massage or self myofascial release through foam rolling (Roll to Improved Athletic Performance) can break up muscle adhesion, increase deep muscle temperature, alter muscle viscosity, and increase blood circulation which studies have shown can diminish swelling.
v As a special note, it may be best to stay away from heat application for acute muscle soreness. Heat therapies might be a better choice for muscle soreness present beyond 48 hours. At this point we may be experiencing delayed onset muscle soreness where more extensive micro trauma has taken place and return to activity may take an additional 1-2 days. Applying heat too early can increase local edema and swelling, delaying tissue repair by increasing tissue separation and delaying transport of white blood cells and phagocytosis.
Want to read about more ways to increase your body’s recovery rate? Check out the Recovery page by Strength and Conditioning Coach Joey Greany at http://www.joeygreanypersonaltraining.com/recovery/
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Give up those Sit-Ups: Maximize your Core Training
Crunches, Sit-Ups, Leg Raises, Ab machines, and more are part of our arsenal in sculpting a flat, wash board midsection. Many programs exist today that focus an entire 45 minutes to core training. After all, who wouldn’t want a chiseled six pack?
The problem we run into, however, pertains to the function of the core musculature and our approach to training. The abdominal muscles aren’t made to work in strict isolation like popular lumbar flexion movement patterns such as crunches and sit-ups. Rather they work to dynamically stabilize and transmit force from the lower half to the upper half. The abdominal muscles work to maintain alignment and proper movement patterns between the spine and pelvis, maintain stabilization of the spine, and to help minimize excessive stress and altered movement patterns of the pelvis during involvement of the upper extremities. It’s important to remember that excessive flexion like Crunches and Sit-Ups can create a muscle imbalance and dominance, causing a lengthening and eventual weakening of the posterior musculature like Erector Spinae, leading to altered movement patters, lower back pain and anterior pelvic tilt.
Try to incorporate core exercise that stress stabilization and resist movement. The focus and goals for these training sessions for the client, athlete and trainer/coach should be on creating a reactive environment versus a “fixed” environment, preparing the body for the functional activity or sport.
Some choices for integrated exercises include plank variation involving the movement of upper and lower extremities, changing center of gravity, bridge variations that will engage the Glutes instead of the Hamstrings, teaching proper recruitment patterns and focusing on neutral lumbar, avoiding excessive hip extension. “Pointers” or movement in a quadruped position is also great for functional stability, again focusing on neutral lumbar so we don’t train in a lordotic position and a neutral cervical position as well. This position is much for forgiving for the spine and yields greater activation for the Obliques, T-Extensors and Lats versus a complete face down, prone position, which again makes it difficult to maintain a neutral spine and take pressure off the lumbar region. From this position you have many dynamic movements, anti-rotation, shoulder flexion/hip extension combinations adding in various training surfaces for increased difficulty.
It is also important to keep in mind while all movements are performed, focus on bracing or flexing of the abdominal muscles while maintaining good alignment and a neutral spine. This will work to create proper activation of the abdominal muscles as well as that all important Transverse Abdominis. This is a very important concept as most coaching cues call for the pulling of the belly button in during abdominal movements. While this will activate the TA to a point, all other abdominal muscles will shut down in the process, creating a major loss in core stabilization.
So remember, don’t train on a hunch, get rid of the Crunch.
Great read for those interested in the research done on core activation during integrated movement versus fixed, isolation movements:
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Roll to Improved Athletic Performance
Roll to Improved Athletic Performance
It doesn't matter if you're training
for sport, sit at a desk all day or are a busy stay at home parent,
our muscles are working non stop, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Athletes strive to repeat the same motion over and over again, with
improved efficiency. After all practice makes perfect...but practice
also creates asymmetries that can lead to altered movement patterns
and inhibition. Sitting at a desk all day answering phone calls,
sending emails and filing paper work may seem like a low intensity
activity for the body, but think of all the postural muscles
activated and the kyphotic or slouched position we work in all day.
This causes certain muscle groups to work in an overacted position
thus lengthening and weakening the antagonist groups. (Just think of
the tightness and stiffness you feel after sitting at a desk for a
prolonged period of time and you can relate.)
Over a prolonged period of time
trigger points or small nodules, develop within muscle tissue as a
result of overuse, repetitive movement, acute trauma and
inflammation. Trigger points can lead to a decrease in neural drive
to the innervating muscle which in turn leads to decrease in function
and altered movement patterns as the body tries to find the path of
least resistance. When synergists and stabilizing muscles are called
upon to carry out a work load greater than their design, additional
complications can surface.
point release therapy like Self Myofascial Release, can lead to
improved recruitment patterns and return to normal function and
eventually improved performance.
easy example of the body compensating for overactive muscles and
altered recruitment is during a squat. If there is excessive exterior
rotation of the lower leg, excessive flexion at the hips or plantar
flexion at the foot/ankle, there may be various movement impairments
present restricting the body from proper movement patterns. If there
is a restriction in the foot/ankle complex, for example, the body may
compensate by turning the feet out during the eccentric phase of
the squat or if the cue “keep your feet straight” is said, there
could also be a forward lean during the eccentric phase. If your
personal trainer or coach doesn't address this issue, the body will
either stop once the impairment restricts movement or will cause
excess exterior tibial rotation in order to allow the squat to
continue. Proper evaluation and implementation of Myofascial Release,
lengthening and strengthening exercises will help alleviate this
impairment and correct inhibition leading to improved performance and
motion free restriction.
out the links below from top Strength and Conditioning Coach, Joey
Greany, on foam rolling and a great visual demonstration of muscle
adhesion and trigger points.
more information on Joey, check out www.joeygreanypersonaltraining.com
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